
2013年6月4日 星期二

Nick : I am very thankful


Nick: I wasn't ready! 我還沒準備好
I have no arms and legs, but I am very thankful that I have my little drumstick here.
我沒有雙手雙腳, 不過我很感恩我還有這隻小小腿.
People freak out when they see me for the first time. It was so cool.  I was at the water slide all by myself. Everyone always stay at the bottom of the slide looking up and waiting for other people to come down and here I come. They’re freaking out. They’re like (surprised.) And I’m tempted to look at myself and go (surprising gesture). What happened?!
當人們第一次看到我時, 他們總是嚇呆了. 有一次我獨自去玩划水道, 其他人都在划水道底部等待觀望別人划出來. 當我滑出來的時候, 全場的人看到我沒手沒腳都嚇傻了, 想說發生什麼事情了. 我也常裝傻作個戲大喊: 發生什麼事了(手腳怎麼不見了)???
There were times when I sort of look at my life, and think I can’t do this, and I can’t do that.  And you keep on concentrating on the things you wish you had and things you wish you didn’t have.  And you sort of forget what you do have.  And there’s no point, I believe, in my life where I wish I have arms and legs.  I wish I have arms and legs.  I wish I have arms and legs.  Wishing weren’t help.
我過去也曾經自我懷疑過, 想說我不能做這個, 不能做那個. 如果你一直專注於你想要確得不到的, 或是一直專注於你不想得到的, 你反而忘記了你所擁有的. 我可以一直想: 真希望我有雙手雙腳, 真希望我有雙手雙腳, 真希望我有雙手雙腳! 但光只是想, 一點用都沒有!
What I have seen in life, is a couple of key principles.  And, the first thing I have seen if to be thankful.  It’s hard to be thankful man.  I tell you when I was eight-years old, I sort of summed up my life, and thought I’m never gonna get married.  I’m not going to have a job.  I’m not going to have a life with purpose.  What kind of a husband am I going to be when I can’t even hold my wife’s hand.
我悟出了幾個人生的重要準則, 第一個就是: 要心存感激. 雖然這是非常難做到的. 當我八歲時, 我對自己的人生下了一個小小的結論: 我永遠無法結婚, 不會有工作機會, 不會擁有一個有意義的人生. 一個無法牽自己老婆手的男人, 算是哪門子的老公?
It’s a lie to think that you are not good enough.  It’s a lie to think that you are not worth anything.
不要覺得你不夠好, 那是個天大的謊言. 不要覺得你自己一無是處, 那也是個天大的謊言

Nick: It’s freezing.  I can’t feel my hands!  Ha ha ha...
好冷阿~ 冷到我感覺不到我的雙手了~
I love life.  So many people come and say “how come you smile so much?”.  And I’m like, well, it’s a long story, but it’s very simple at the same time.  You see.  It’s very hard to smile sometimes in life.  There are things that happen in life that you don’t know and you don’t understand.  You don’t know if you’re going to get through it.  You know.  You go through your storm in life, and you don’t know how long this storm is going to be.  
我熱愛生命. 很多人問我說, 你怎麼隨時都在笑? 我的回應是: 原因很簡單: 人生常常會碰到一些讓你笑不出來的事. 就像你進入了暴風圈, 你不但不知道暴風雨會持續多久, 你也不知道你有沒有辦法撐過這暴風雨.

Today I’m going to share with you some principles I have learned in my life, and you can use in yours.
今天, 我要跟大家分享一些我領悟的人生準則, 讓你也可以遵從這些準則.
Being patient is beautiful. I’m telling you it’s the hardest thing. I realize I may not have hands to hold my wife’s hands but,  when the time comes, I will be able to hold her heart. I don't need hands to hold her heart.
保持耐心很重要. 雖然非常非常的困難. 我接受我無法緊握我未來老婆的雙手, 不過當時機來臨時, 我緊扣住她的心. 緊扣住她的心無須用手.
You know it's scary to know how many girls have eating
disorders. It's scary to know how many people are just angry at life because of their situation at home and angry at others.
It’s scary to know how many  people actually feel like they’re worth nothing.
得知底下這三件事, 會讓人覺得很恐懼
1. 有多少女孩們有飲食失調的困擾
2. 有多少人因為家中發生的小事而憤世忌俗, 憎恨他人.
3. 有多少人覺得自己一無是處.
Every single girl, right here right now, I want you to know you're beautiful.
You’re gorgeous just the way you are. And you boys, you're the men.
在這裡的每位女孩, 我要告訴你, 你很美麗. 你無須做任何改變, 就已經很亮麗. 男孩們: 你們都是最棒的.
On this DVD, I share my experiences in life of how I’ve overcome challenges and seen a new, fresh perspective in life: to be thankful, to dream big, and to never give up. I speak to children, youths and adults about key issues and principles that I’ve  applied in my life that is giving me the strength to conquer all that comes before me.
在這片DVD, 我分享了我的人生經驗, 我如何克服困難, 我如何用另一個新視野看我的人生: 心懷感恩, 心懷夢想, 且永不放棄. 我的聽眾含括小孩, 青少年以及成人, 我跟他們分享所有我用來克服人生障礙的準則.

