
2013年5月19日 星期日

Farewell Address


Farewell Address 

My dear Students:
         I want to say something to you today which I feel would not be appropriate to say at tomorrow's dinner that you are going to give in honor of us teachers. Today's words are not congratulatory, but words of advice and warning.
The time has come for me to retire, not only because I have come to the age of retirement, but also, after forty-five years of teaching. I am physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted. You are probably the last class I shall ever teach. My hopes for you are high, and it is my fervent prayer that you will not disappoint me. During the past years, I have been deeply unhappy to see many of my students forget the warmth and enthusiasm of their student days only a few years after leaving school. They have become immersed in the sloughs of society and have lost the values and ideals of their youth. What has done this? The pursuit of money and power which has taken hold of their minds and souls.
Truly, money is important, but it does not deserve to be pursued with the best of your abilities. From the history of mankind, we well know that selfish wealth is something which ruins all that is good and beautiful in life. The pursuit of money for yourself will never satisfy you. The more you get, the more you will want. You will never get enough, and you won't stop pursuing money to the day you draw your last breath.

唸讀練習           :  http://youtu.be/TqagaxoQi1Q

4 則留言:

  1. 讚~~謝謝老師的分享~感恩!!

  2. Nice reading~~it's an excellent speech which gives wise advice and warning. Also, it's a great article to encourage the young generation to think what is the most value in the life.

    By the way, Dr. Wen's reading is very clear and smooth.
    The pronunciation and enunciation are very good.

    Is the reading finished recorded without any cut?

    1. No, It is all in one recording !
      Thanks, it's a nicest compliment I have ever heard!
      What I hope is that people can use the same way to practice English reading.

      from 老詼訝

  3. A saying just came across my mind that, " Life is an attitude, so is learning."
