What will happen if you do not change?
“If you keep doing pretty much what you’ve always
done, you’ll keep on getting pretty much what
you’ve always got”
Jack Canfield
溫老師 英文學習部落
This blog contains imaged inspiration that is adapted from other websites. All the sayings are worth reading. If you like it please leave your comments on each inspiration word. by: 溫嘉榮
What will happen if you do not change?
“If you keep doing pretty much what you’ve always
done, you’ll keep on getting pretty much what
you’ve always got”
Jack Canfield
A tree should grow taller, and accept more brightness,
then its root must be deeper and darker.
It has nothing to do with age, It's never too late to start.
Learn from the best of others and be yourself.
The more others look down on you, you have to work harder.
The more it hits you, the more you have to make achievements.
Be like a lime, the colder you pour the more boiling you will be!
@success motto
別人越是瞧不上你,你就要越努力, 越是打擊你,你越是要做出成績,
【心情小語,有話就說 - 別讓自己走上後悔的道路】
because our success is judge by others.
But our satisfaction is measured by our own soul, mind, and heart.
To be, or not to be, that is the question
(from Hamlet, spoken by Hamlet)
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause—there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th'unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. |
(Wiki 中譯) 存在,或不存在, 是的, 當我們醒來時, 從那裡沒有乘客從那裡回來, |
真正一天背完迪克生片語 Dixon's Idioms
因為這份講義邊寫邊製表統計,每個片語依難易度,各出現1~6次。看完這份講義,簡單的至少複習過1次,困難的也背過6次,應該是真正一天背完了吧。 ( 約 400 句,有全文和 mp3 可下載 : This web can read to mp3 https://ttsmp3.com/ )
1. 我總是在台中上車彰化下車。
always get on the train in Taichung and get off
in Changhua.
2. 你兒子正在學校等你載他。
Your son is waiting for you at school to
pick him up .
3. 我們看到這個小女孩時,馬上就同情她。
When we saw the little girl, we felt sorry for her at once .
4. 她昨晚打電話給我,只是想告訴我別把那張卡丟掉。
She called me up last night just to tell me not to throw away
the card.
5. 我三點醒來。起先我以為是貓。
woke up at 3. At first I thought it was the cat.
6. 你應該馬上繼續唸書。
should go on with your study right away
MP3: 英語聽力-mp3.pdf (有聲電子書)